One day I will steal back my freedom
The steps I’ve been prevented to take
For myself
The direction I’ve been blindfolded to look
For a future
The longing I’ve been forced to abandon
For a home
The love I’ve forgotten was mine
For my family
The identity that replaced my name
A refugee
The rules that bound me on this land
A prisoner
The authorities who see me in their eyes
A criminal
All for escaping war and persecution
One day I will steal back my freedom
The food I’ve been forced to eat
The cloth I’ve not chosen to wear
The words I’ve been silenced to speak
The rights I’ve been denied to have
All for escaping war and persecution
One day, I will take it all back
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Hussain Shah Rezaie is a writer and editor from Afghanistan. He is currently living as a refugee in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia. Hussain’s writings foster understanding of refugees' plight in Indonesia through the power of storytelling. His writings have been published in a widely-read newspaper and literary magazines including: Cincinnati Review, Jakarta Post, Multatuli Project, Southeast Asia Globe, and The Other Side of Hope.